Crimson Seeds Healing

Crimson Seeds is dedicated to holistic health through Energetic Healing.

Here at Crimsons Seeds, the Chakras are used with hands on energy being channelled into the body to promote free flow of positive energy and healing. The body has a remarkable ability to heal itself and with the help of energetic stagnation and blocks being removed though Crimsons Seeds, the body is better able to achieve this, whether it be reoccurring headaches to digestion issues or anxiety and sleep problems.

Crimson Seeds is owned and operated by Lauren Sanderson-Young.
Lauren is currently completing a degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Acupuncture at Endeavor College of Natural Medicine. She has been interested in ‘natural’ and ‘energetic’ healing for a long time after turning to Holistic modalities when Traditional Western Medicine could not help her. She has never looked back and along with studying Acupuncture and TCM, which itself works with the bodies energetic system, she has completed courses in Reiki Levels I & II, Connecting to your Guides Basic and Intermediate including understanding and balancing of Chakras, Understanding the Healing Power of Crystals and taken Yoga and Meditation classes for many years. Lauren has also worked in Complementary Medicine Clinics for years and has associated with all manner of Holistic therapists including Acupuncturists, TCM Herbalists, Naturopaths, Bowen Therapists, Reiki Healers, Massage Therapists and Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioners. She has a passion for Energetic and Natural Medicine and loves to share this gift and knowledge with others.

A session can be booked by phone call or email.
